The Contributions of Naysaburi Hadith Scholars in the Critique of Hadith in the 3rd and 4th Century Hijri
جهود محدثي نيسابور في نقد الحديث في القرن الثالث و الرابع الهجري
This research aims to shed light on the hadith criticism of the hadith scholars of Nishapur in the 3rd and 4th centuries of the Hijra: the scientific movement that the Nishapur region has witnessed during the three centuries of the Hijra. This article aims to review the definition of Nishapur and its location:ancient and modern, and highlighted in it the biographies of the Companions who entered Nishapur as they were the first nucleus for the spread of the Noble Hadith. Next the biographies of the Nishapuri memorizers and their efforts in criticizing the Noble Hadith are given. The scholars of Nishapur had great interest in the Shariah sciences in general, and in the Noble Hadith in particular.

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