The Skill of Criticizing Jurisprudential Statement -Steps and Examples-
مهارة نقد القول الفقهي (خطواتها وأمثلتها)
The idea of the article revolves around the skill of critiquing a jurisprudential statement. The researcher made use of the book Glossary of Jurisprudential Skills: a compilation of scientific steps that help a student follow the straight approach in critiquing a jurisprudential statement. Next he explains and expands on some of its steps, and provides examples to help the researcher to Criticism in a scientific way. Three examples from Bada’i’ al-Sana’i’ by Imam al-Kasani have been selected and they show agreement to the previous steps which proves that this skill exists in the minds of jurists. The study extracts it from the jurists’ texts and train the students accordingly.

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