Al-Idah 2024-08-27T18:18:02-04:00 Editor Open Journal Systems <p>Al-Idah is an International peer reviewed, Open Access,HEC approved “Y” category, bi-annual research journal. Its domain is Islamic Studies&amp; theology and we encourage submissions related to the contemporary challenges by the Muslim Ummah. Our focus lies in the spreading of true progressive moderate and adoptive picture of Islam that embraces diversity and difference. The essence of Islam lies in peace and tolerance.</p> <p>More specifically, Al- Idah takes&nbsp;regular submissions from academic professionals and&nbsp;researchers&nbsp;belongs toUloom e Quran,Hadith and Rules of Hadith, Seerat e Nabvi,&nbsp; Jurisprudence, Islamic History, Comparative Jurisprudence, Comparative Study of Religion,, Anti Extremism, Social Sciences and&nbsp;related disciplines.</p> <p>With this aim the articles may be addressed to any related issues – social, economic, political, technological, theological- falling in the domain of theology and Islam. Our mission is to create awareness and spread the authentic teachings of Islam. Today Al-Idah is the luminary in the research world due to the acumen of its valued contributors and their high- quality research parameters that make it what it is.</p> Hadith Their Hearts Belike The Hearts Of Non-Arabs And Their Tongues Belike The Arabs Tongues: Collection , Authentication & Study 2024-07-10T04:40:01-04:00 Ebrahim Fawzi Ebrahim Al-Qara’an Ali Ahmed Mohammad Al-Asslamy Abdullah Hussain Al-Asiri Sarah Aziz Al-shehri <p>This research article focuses the saying of the Holy Prophet (SAWW) that there will come a time when people's hearts will be the hearts of foreigners. It is significant as it seems to be relevant of contemporary times. As stated in the Almighty’s saying: "The hour has drawn near…”, we shall look into the hadiths on the cited subject and shall ascertain their authenticity. For this two methodologies have been adopted: the inductive methodology in collecting the hadiths on this topic, and then a critical methodology was employed in studying the chain of narrators for each.: There are three hadiths on this topic, and none bear credible chain of narration.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah The Contributions of Naysaburi Hadith Scholars in the Critique of Hadith in the 3rd and 4th Century Hijri 2024-07-10T04:38:54-04:00 Hameedullah Muzammil <p>This research aims to shed light on the hadith criticism of the hadith scholars of Nishapur in the 3<sup>rd</sup> and 4<sup>th</sup> centuries of the Hijra: the scientific movement that the Nishapur region has witnessed during the three centuries of the Hijra. This article aims to review the definition of Nishapur and its location:ancient and modern, and highlighted in it the biographies of the Companions who entered Nishapur as they were the first nucleus for the spread of the Noble Hadith. Next the biographies of the Nishapuri memorizers and their efforts in criticizing the Noble Hadith are given. The scholars of Nishapur had great interest in the Shariah sciences in general, and in the Noble Hadith in particular.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah The Skill of Criticizing Jurisprudential Statement -Steps and Examples- 2024-07-10T04:38:50-04:00 Rabie Al-Aouar <p>The idea of ​​the article revolves around the skill of critiquing a jurisprudential statement. The researcher made use of the book <em>Glossary of Jurisprudential Skills</em>: a compilation of scientific steps that help a student follow the straight approach in critiquing a jurisprudential statement. Next he explains and expands on some of its steps, and provides examples to help the researcher to Criticism in a scientific way. Three examples from Bada’i’ al-Sana’i’ by Imam al-Kasani have been selected and they show agreement to the previous steps which proves that this skill exists in the minds of jurists. The study extracts it from the jurists’ texts and train the students accordingly.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah The Impact of Electronic Payment Channels on the Profitability of Jordanian Islamic Banks 2024-07-10T04:38:45-04:00 Maysa’a Munir Milhem Rasmiah Ahmad Abu Mousa <p>This study aims to assess the electronic payment channels of Jordanian Islamic banks and their impact on the profitability of these banks during the period 2015-2020. With the descriptive analytical approach, this study includes three Jordanian Islamic banks as specimen. One of the most important results of the study is that there is a statistically significant effect of mobile phone applications, ATMs, and internet banking in the Jordanian Islamic banks on the ROA. The study recommends that the Islamic banks should make intensive marketing efforts to attract many dealers to increase the volume of transactions in electronic payment channels, work to increase their banking technological awareness and encourage innovation in the field of electronic payment.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah International Jurisdiction in Marriage Disputes: A study According to the UAE Civil Transactions Law Amendments & the UAE Federal Personal Status Law: Derived From the Provisions Of Islamic Sharia 2024-07-10T04:39:13-04:00 Monther Abdulkarim Ahmad Al-Qudah <p>This study examines the International jurisdiction in marriage disputes and its effects on marriage according to the UAE Civil Transactions Law and the UAE Federal Personal Status Law. It is because researching the legal controls that govern the applicable law on the effects of marriage is of great importance in modern international laws related to individuals ’relationships with each other: especially in marriage disputes and those related to matters of marriage and divorce if one of ther spouses is a foreigner. The laws of countries differ from one another in the rules of establishing and ending the marital bond.</p> <p>This study also examines the reasons for resorting to the required legal attribution rules related to the regulation of the Emirati jurisdiction in matters of family disputes by the Emirati judge. Through this study, cases of judicial dispute will be presented along with the applicable laws in the UAE, given that the rules of attribution related to personal status in the UAE private international law have a legislative source derived from the provisions of Islamic Shariah.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah Javed Ahmad Ghamidi's Concept of Coherence in the Qur'an: A Critical Analysis 2024-07-10T04:38:59-04:00 Muhammad Mushtaq Ahmad <p>The concept of “coherence in the Qur’an” has a pivotal role in his thought. This concept was initially expounded by Mawlana Hamid al-Din Farahi. Later, Mawlana Amin Ahsan Islahi not only developed it into a comprehensive theory but also applied it in his 9 volume exegesis of the Qur’an titled <em>Tadabbur-i Qur’an</em>. Ghamidi further developed it and made his own contribution to it, particularly in the last ‘group’ (<em>Surat al-Mulk to Surat al-Nas</em>). He deems this concept as the “master-key” to the exegetical issues of the Qur’an. This paper after giving a description of the salient features of the concept analyzes and examines it so as to ascertain if it is strong enough to override the traditions of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be on him) and of his Companions (Allah be pleased with them).</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah Interplay between the Principles of Inheritance, Wills and Gifts 2024-08-27T03:48:15-04:00 Sadia Tabassum <p>It is a matter of common observation that in family courts, more often than not, the cases about inheritance involve disputes regarding wills and gifts. It is, therefore, necessary for lawyers and judges to have a sound understanding of the interplay of the principles of inheritance, wills and gifts. This paper explains some of these fundamental principles and the way they interact with each other.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah Islamic Financial Engineering Role In Combating Covid-19 Epidemic Issues: A Case Study Of Pakistan 2024-08-27T02:57:11-04:00 Zia Ur Rehman Abida Parveen Azam Ali <p>The оutbreаk оf соrоnа virus diseаse (СОVID-19 pandemic) hаs&nbsp; severely&nbsp; аffeсted&nbsp; the&nbsp; glоbаl&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; Раkistаni&nbsp; eсоnоmy.&nbsp; Mаjоr viсtims оf&nbsp; the&nbsp; СОVID-19&nbsp; оutbreаk&nbsp; аre&nbsp; miсrо,&nbsp; smаll,&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; medium-sized&nbsp; enterрrises&nbsp; (MSMEs).&nbsp; This&nbsp; study&nbsp; аims&nbsp; tо&nbsp; аssess&nbsp; the&nbsp; imрасt&nbsp; оf&nbsp; СОVID-19&nbsp; pandemic оn&nbsp; the&nbsp; businesses of MSMEs аnd&nbsp; рrоvide&nbsp; роliсy&nbsp; reсоmmendаtiоns&nbsp; tо&nbsp; helр&nbsp; MSMEs&nbsp; in&nbsp; reduсing&nbsp; business&nbsp; lоsses&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; survive&nbsp; thrоugh&nbsp; the&nbsp; сrisis.&nbsp; Finаnсiаl&nbsp; engineering&nbsp; is&nbsp; а&nbsp; multidisсiрlinаry&nbsp; field&nbsp; invоlving&nbsp; finаnсiаl&nbsp; theоry,&nbsp; methоds&nbsp; оf&nbsp; engineering,&nbsp; tооls&nbsp; оf&nbsp; mаthemаtiсs&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; the&nbsp; рrасtiсe&nbsp; оf&nbsp; рrоgrаmming.&nbsp; It&nbsp; hаs&nbsp; аlsо&nbsp; been&nbsp; defined&nbsp; аs&nbsp; the&nbsp; аррliсаtiоn&nbsp; оf&nbsp; teсhniсаl&nbsp; methоds,&nbsp; esрeсiаlly&nbsp; frоm&nbsp; mаthemаtiсаl&nbsp; finаnсe&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; соmрutаtiоnаl&nbsp; finаnсe,&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; рrасtiсe&nbsp; оf&nbsp; finаnсe. Islamic Finаnсiаl&nbsp; Engineering (IFE)&nbsp; рlаys&nbsp; а&nbsp; key&nbsp; rоle&nbsp; in&nbsp; the&nbsp; сustоmer-driven&nbsp; derivаtives&nbsp; business&nbsp; whiсh&nbsp; enсоmраsses&nbsp; quаntitаtive&nbsp; mоdeling &nbsp;аnd&nbsp; рrоgrаmming,&nbsp; trаding&nbsp; аnd&nbsp; risk&nbsp; mаnаging&nbsp; derivаtive&nbsp; рrоduсts. The&nbsp; objective of the study&nbsp; is&nbsp; tо&nbsp; exрlоre&nbsp; whether&nbsp; the&nbsp; Islаmiс&nbsp; finаnсiаl&nbsp; engineering&nbsp; соntributes or not&nbsp; tо&nbsp; resоlve&nbsp; the&nbsp; issues&nbsp; of&nbsp; СОVID-19 in&nbsp; Раkistаn&nbsp; i.e:&nbsp; (а)&nbsp; tо&nbsp; identify&nbsp; the&nbsp; imроrtаnt&nbsp; rоle&nbsp; оf&nbsp; Islаmiс&nbsp; finаnсiаl&nbsp; engineering&nbsp; tоwаrd&nbsp; СОVID-19&nbsp; Issues remedies in Раkistаn (b) tо identify the&nbsp; imроrtаnt&nbsp; rоle&nbsp; оf&nbsp; IFE tо&nbsp; соmbаt&nbsp; СОVID-19&nbsp; issues in&nbsp; Раkistаn&nbsp; (с)&nbsp; tо&nbsp; exрlоre&nbsp; mоre&nbsp; finаnсiаl&nbsp; рrоduсts&nbsp; tо&nbsp; соver&nbsp; uр&nbsp; the&nbsp; dent&nbsp; оn&nbsp; рооr&nbsp; рeорle&nbsp; due&nbsp; tо&nbsp; соvid-&nbsp; 19&nbsp; (d)&nbsp; tо&nbsp; imрrоve&nbsp; the&nbsp; rоle&nbsp; оf&nbsp; Islаmiс&nbsp; miсrоfinаnсe&nbsp; institutiоns with the help of IFE tools&nbsp; tо&nbsp; help the&nbsp; рeорle get rid of роverty (e) tо analyze роliсy imрliсаtiоns under IFE аnd&nbsp; reсоmmendаtiоn&nbsp; tо&nbsp; ассelerаte&nbsp; in&nbsp; аttаining &nbsp;the&nbsp; revivаl&nbsp; аfter&nbsp; СОVID-19. This study аdорts аn exрlоrаtоry methоdоlоgy that reviewes the аvаilаble literаture соmрrehensively on роliсy dосuments, reseаrсh рарers аnd reроrts. The study focuses on the above discussed objectives by examining the performance of MSMEs during and after COVID-19 pandemic. A comparision is given to depict the main variables in these periods i.e prior - during and after COVID-19 pandemic till July 2021. Recommndations has given to the Government and regulators of financial and non-financial sectors to arm thm to cop ith such plausible issues in future.</p> 2024-06-23T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah The Ripples of Responsibility: An Islamic-Inspired Analysis of Water Management 2024-08-27T18:18:02-04:00 Farhat Naseem Alvi Abdul Manan Cheema Sadia Rafiq <p>Water, as a vibrant resource, is central to the survival and prosperity of humanity. The increasing challenges posed by climate change, global warming, population growth, and industrial expansion necessitate a sustainable approach to water management. Islamic thought of nature conservation offer a comprehensive framework for the stewardship of natural resources, including water. This paper explores the principles of water management from an Islamic perspective, emphasizing the ethical, legal, and conservational responsibilities rooted in Islamic jurisprudence. Water experts consider that non-availability of clean water has become an ever more pressing issue of the entire world as well as Pakistan. No doubt, the current water dams of Pakistan are insufficient for the endurance of the natural environment and water needs of rapidly growing population. World research reports indicate that water level is falling gradually in the every corner of our country. Application of Islamic guidelines about water management can play an effective role to manage water resources properly. Wastefulness of natural resources is strictly forbidden in various Quranic verses and hadiths. By integrating these perspectives with contemporary water management practices, this research study aims to provide a holistic approach to addressing the issue water scarcity.</p> 2024-06-25T00:00:00-04:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Al-Idah