Spirituality and Psychological Well-Being among Muslims and Christians Adolescents and Young Adults

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Shaista Tanzeel
  • Dr. Najma Iqbal Malik
Keywords: Muslims, Christians, spirituality, psychological well-being


The present study examining the relationship between spirituality and psychological well-being among Muslims and Christians adolescents and young adults. Daily Spiritual Experience Scale and Warwick Edinburgh Mental Well-being Scale were used to examine the study variables. The present study was carried out on the sample of (N = 254) i.e. Muslims (n = 123) and Christians (n = 131). The sub sample of Muslims and Christians were further divided into males (n = 48) and females (n = 75). Similarly Christian males (n = 60) and Christian females (n = 71). The instruments used to measure the variables possessed satisfactory reliability i.e. spirituality (α = .80) for Muslims and (α = .92) for Christians and psychological well-being (α = .82) for Muslims and (α = .84) for Christians. Results of the study revealed that spirituality not only had significant positive correlation with psychological well-being but also found to be significant positive predictor of psychological well-being among Muslims as well as Christians. Additional findings of the study further revealed that significant differences exist in the terms of gender and age. Limitations, suggestion and implications were also discussed at the end of the study.

How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E., Shaista Tanzeel and Dr. Najma Iqbal Malik 2018. Spirituality and Psychological Well-Being among Muslims and Christians Adolescents and Young Adults. Al-Idah . 35, - 2 (Jan. 2018), 53 - 61.