Aim & Scope
Al-Idah, an International peer reviewed, Open Access, HEC approved “Y” category, bi-annual research journal enjoys a unique status amongst the research journals. It has three sections in three distinct Languages i.e Arabic, Urdu ad English. Its main focus is theology and Islam and its main burden lies on the challenges faced by Muslim Ummah.
Original high quality research is our benchmark and we, at its editorial desk, strive hard to maintain a high standard &focusing on all domains of Islamic Studies like Tafseer & UloomUl Quran, Hadith & Its Sciences, Islamic Jurisprudence, Seerat Un Nabi, Islamic History, Comparative Study of Religions, Comparative Jurisprudence, Islamic Banking & Finance.
The articles submitted should be unpublished and not concurrently submitted to any other research journal, after a preliminary in-house review the articles are duly submitted to the standard review process i.e foreign reviewers from technologically advanced countries. We encourage online submission so that the author may keep track of the progress made against his/her submission.
It is anticipated that the issue will contain between eight to ten papers, although this can be adjusted depending upon the number and quality of papers.
For online submission follow this link