دور القواعد النحوية في استنباط الأحكام الشرعية (من الآيات القرآنية)
Role of syntactical Rules in Deriving Islamic Commandments from the Qura’nic Ayaat.
Linguists and Muslim jurists have depended heavily on the Arabic language in their researches about Islamic legislation. Their writings show a deep relationship between Islamic commandments and the rules of Arabic grammar.The three chapters of this research present a study of their work syntactically, and analytically to explore the earliest approaches and their various dimensions, and to detect the relationship with the Islamic commandments in the current time.The first chapter is about the role of nouns in deriving the Islamic commandments from the Quranic ayaat.The second chapter discusses the role of various verbs in deriving the Islamic commandments from the Quranic Ayaat.The third chapter is about the role of Arabic letters in deriving Islamic commandments from the Quranic Ayat.This study hopes to help not only the linguists of Arabic language but also the scholars of other related fields.
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