مکانة السنة في نظر أهل القرآن

The Status of Sunnah in the Light of the Views of the Qur’anic Commentators

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Sadia Sultana


This article is about misunderstandings of "Ah-lul-Quran" towards "Al-Sunnah" they call themselves Ah-lul-Quran, though they do not deserve this title. They deny authenticity of the Hadith as well as the work of Mohaddisien, following in the footprints of their spiritual mentors who are primarily orientalists such as subringer, William mowver and Goldzehar. Actually in sub-Continent treacherous act of denial of Ahadith, was outcome of conspiracies hatched by imperial world.

Major misunderstandings of Ah-lul-Quran towards Sunnah arise from the following.

*          Status of the Prophet (SAW) in their eyes.

*          According to their view Sunnah was not compiled during the time of prophet hood.

*          Doubts about the ahadith as fabrication

Indeed their views are based on nothing but merely misconceptions and ill-will against Islam. They not only deny the Sunnah but also the Quran.

This paper refutes the objections held forth by the Ah-lul-Quran by indepth analysis and valid references.

How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E. and Dr. Sadia Sultana 2019. مکانة السنة في نظر أهل القرآن . Al-Idah . 33, - 2 (Jun. 2019), 365 - 384.