Economic Policies of Pakistan during Military Rules An Analytical Study in Islamic Perspective

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Sadia Gulzar
  • Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Salik
Keywords: History, Pakistan, Military, Economic Policies, Development, Islam


In the history of Pakistan, three military governments ruled for a quite long period. Nonetheless, they made no stable policies for the economic development of Pakistan. As a result, Pakistan could not make progress on strong foundation. Economic policies were meant for a shorter interval. Therefore, they only resulted in cosmetic change in the economy. The results of these policies were restricted to a certain class and the public suffered from the negative impact of these policies. Public welfare got secondary importance which resulted in economic inequality. Wealth circulated within a few families. In all the three reigns, no strategy was formed for the paying of external debt. On the one hand, the salvation of Pakistan was put at stake by increasing external debt and aid while on other hand, masses suffered added direct and indirect taxes. In these conditions, common man could not fulfill his basic necessities of life. Pakistan could make considerable progress, if any of the governments might have considered Islamic principles of Islam.

How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E., Dr. Sadia Gulzar and Dr. Mumtaz Ahmed Salik 2019. Economic Policies of Pakistan during Military Rules An Analytical Study in Islamic Perspective. Al-Idah . 33, - 2 (Jun. 2019), 18 - 34.