The Creation of Universe in the Light of Qur’an

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Anwar Saeed Khan
  • Dr. Muhammad Jamal Nasir


The Quran describes itself as a book of guidance. Sura l-Baqarah, verse (67) states:  قَالَ أعُوْذُ بِاللّٰہِ اأنْ أَکُوْنَ مِنَ الْجَھِلِیْنَ۔He said, "I seek refuge in Allah from being among the ignorant. "The Qur'an does not render a coordinated description of the universe Creation and how it will end. In lieu of a continuous story of creation and cease, there are verses dispersed all over the Quran which deal with certain aspects of the universe’s Creation and end. These scattered verses provide information on the sequential events marking its development with varying degrees of detail. The primary objective of this paper is to analyze the Quranic Concept of Universe. The idea of steady state by Hermann Bondi, Thomas Gold, and Fred Hoyle (1948) suggests that this universe is created with big bang, it is expanding and it would be the same, always static, always contracting or always expanding with no end. This is in contrast with the pulsating theory of the accelerating expansion will result in weak gravity which will cause the universe to contract. When this contraction will condense everything back into one single point, this rapid compression will lead to another explosion (often referred to as mini big bang). As a result of which the universe will start expanding again. Hence it results in a pulsating universe in which there is alternate expansion and contraction of universe.


How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E., Dr. Anwar Saeed Khan and Dr. Muhammad Jamal Nasir 2019. The Creation of Universe in the Light of Qur’an. Al-Idah . 33, - 2 (Jun. 2019), 86 - 93.