Murabaha Financing in Pakistan:A Practical Islamic Banking Aspect

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Muhammad Farooq Mufti Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Ahmed


Modes of financing in Islamic banking system are generally categorized as Sharaiah based financing like Musharakah, Mudarabah and Shariah compliant financing like Murabaha , Ijarah etc. Islamic banks should have adopted and promoted Sharaiah based financial instruments but instead they have been predominantly using Sharaiah compliant modes especially Murabaha due to some valid reasons. The aim of this paper is to highlight and know the level of satisfaction of the clients, businessmen, entrepreneurs, professionals, academicians and Islamic banking experts of the prevalent structure and use of Murabaha by the Islamic banks in Pakistan.

How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E. and Dr. Muhammad Farooq Mufti Dr. Muhammad Mushtaq Ahmed 2019. Murabaha Financing in Pakistan:A Practical Islamic Banking Aspect. Al-Idah . 31, - 2 (Jun. 2019), 188 - 198.