الزمخشري وموقفه من الاستشهاد بشعر المؤلدين فى ضوء تفسيره الكشاف
Allama Jarullah Al-Zemakhshari was a great scholar, linguistic, and a man of letters. His book,Tafseer al- Kasshaaf ‘an- Haqaiq et-Tanzeel, is one of the most famous and universally acknowledged book in which he has discussed Arabic grammar, literature and rhetoric. It is an extremely important Tafseer and is considered a primary source by all great scholars. It is famous for its deep linguistic analysis, rhetoric and grammatical issues. Allama Al-Zemakhshari has cited many poets’ poetry both from Pre-Islamic era and Islamic era as a proof to support his arguments. In this article the researcher has cited Al-Zemakhshari’s attitude towards Quoting the Poetry of Mowalldeen (postclassical poets) and to point out those places where he has quoted Mowalldeens’ (postclassical poets) poetry for proof in his Tafseer Al-kasshaff.
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