حالت امن کے قواعدکلیہ (فقہائے کرام کی آراء کی روشنی میں )
The value of Shari’ah Maxims is realized all over the world. These maxims keep a superlative significance over all legal maxims as their sources are based on Qur’ān and Sunnah that is the real source of islamic law.Shari’ah Maxims such a important subject of islamic law that simplifies the interpretation of shari’ah.If the Shari’ah Maxims are inculcated and conceived properly then there is no need to burn midnight oil in learning the large number of sub-titles of Shari’ah.The fiqh defines the Shari’ah Maxims as the principles organized.
This article explores the Four important Shari’ah Maxims relating to peace and ethics of a muslim state towards its non-muslim residants.It includes the meanings,arguments and real life examples about these maxims. These maxims are:(الذمی من اھل دارنا کالمسلم)Zimmies are considered equalent to the muslims of state.(الامر بیننا وبین الکفار مبنی علی المجازاۃ)The relations between muslims and non-muslims countries are based on equality.(ان حرمۃ قتل المستامن من حق اللہ تعالی)Those who have the entry into the muslim state with permit and peaceful intention,must be protected and neither be killed nor be harmed.(عبارۃ الرسول کعبارۃ المرسل)Any ambassador of the state will be considered the real representative of the sender who can completely deal all the things on behalf of his sender.Today it’s the dire need of the time to implement these Shari’ah Maxims generaly for the humanity and especially for Muslims Countries to solve the critical issues,because today the world needs peace the most as it was needed never before.
Copyright (c) 2019 Al-Idah | Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
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