موقع الكتاب في العملية النّقدية عند المحدّثين وأهمّ وسائل صيانته دراسة تأصيليّة
The role of the book in the critical process of Muḥaddithīn And the important ways of its’ maintenance.
In this research paper the method invented by the critic scholars of hadeeth for the maintenance of quality. It is the sake of delivering the hadeeth to us the way it was narrated by the prophet peace be upon him. This study came to highlight the greatness of the critical approach of the Muḥaddithīn, this unique and precedent based approach has been opted and enjoyed the respect of the opponents.
I have paid special regard to the timeline, which reflects the evolution of the Muḥaddithīn criticism, from the Era of the Prophet (PBUH) to the end of the Hadīth Narration Era.
This paper shows the extent to which the critic scholars go in order to maintain the book; their attention is not limited to the Oral narration as claimed by the opponents of Sunnah and their stooges. This is done by examining the classified works of scholars that had preserved the bases and the rules followed in the criticism process, as explained in this study.
Copyright (c) 2018 Al-Idah | Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar

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