ابتكارات العلامة الزمخشري في علم المعاني (خلال أسلوب السؤال والجواب في تفسيره الكشاف)
Innovations of Al-Zamakhsharī in Semantic (Through the question-and-answer method in his Tafsīr “Al- Kashshᾱf”)
Semantic (علم المعاني) is the most interesting branch of Rhetoric. Al-Zamakhsharī has discussed its categories in his introduction to “Al- Kashshᾱf”. He has elaborated the terminology of Semantics but he did not arrange it separately in chapters and did not apply this division in Al- Kashshᾱf as well. The Great Scholar of Rhetoric Al-Sakkᾱkī has categorized semantics in the form of three terminologies: the Knowledge of Semantic, (علم المعاني) the Knowledge of Eloquence, (علم البيان) the figures of speech (علم البديع). Al-Zamakhsharī was very influenced by The Great Scholar and Literary Theorist Abd-ul-Qᾱhir Al-Jurjᾱnī since he implemented whatever Abd-ul-Qᾱhir Al-Jurjᾱnī pointed out in his book “Arguments of Miracles” and “Mysteries of Rhetoric” whilst analyzing Qur’ᾱnic Verses in his exegesis “Al-Kashshᾱf” on Rhetorical basis, though he mentioned in his exegesis all foremost and supreme aspects of Rhetoric which were not referred to by any former scholars.
In this article I have widely discussed the unique and distinguished rhetorical topics, highlighted by Al-Zamakhsharī in his exegesis Al-Kashshᾱf, for instance; he semantically analyzed letters and verbs in the Holy Qur’ᾱn, particularly propositional and non-propositional verbs. At the end of this article I tried my best to conclude the topic with better sequences.
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