صحیح البخاری کی کتب اور ابواب میں نظم و مناسبت تحقیقی جائزہ

A Scholarly Review of Relevance in the Chapters and Sub-Chepters of Sahih al-Bukhari

  • Journal Editor Al-Idah Shaykh Zayed Islamic Centre, University of Peshawar
  • Dr. Abdul Ghaffar
  • Dr. Tanveer Qasim
Keywords: Sahih Bukhari, Kitab, Inception, Completion


In sahih Bukhari the reform’s of Imam Bukhari are present in various styles and artistically sahih Bukhari is an eximious book. But in this present confab we want to disuses such a topic which is about the colligation of sahih Bukhari’s parts and order. The intellectual advisability and  sequences called the order of the parlance, and some time many points are practical and various expediencies recondite in this order. With identity the object of the speaker is explicated e.g., he started the book with incipiency and it is brought first because the inspiration the provenance of admonition. He arranges “kitab-ul-Emam” of on the second because to have belief on Allah as “Rab” is the most preeminent and also the prerequisite.

In the first Hdith انما الاعمال بالنيات is in the same order and we understand that candidness is not only enough in the outset but it should be obsessive on both the commencement and the verge. The advisability we understood is the deserts starts form intentness and suppress on the left. Imam Bukhari to words both radicals in the inception and completion of the book.

How to Cite
Al-Idah, J.E., Dr. Abdul Ghaffar and Dr. Tanveer Qasim 2017. صحیح البخاری کی کتب اور ابواب میں نظم و مناسبت تحقیقی جائزہ. Al-Idah . 34, - 1 (Jul. 2017), 20 - 43.