Mawlāna Abul Kalām ‘Azād and his Efforts in Reforming and Developing the Curriculum of Dars-i-Nizāmī
العلامة مولانا أبو الكلام آزاد وجهوده في إصلاح وتطوير منهج الدرس النظامي
The prime sources of Islam i.e. Quran and Hadith are in Arabic language hence it is crucial to win command over this language for Islamic studies scholars. The Arab scholars have done extensive work on various aspects of this language. The sub continent is no exception and a great many books related to Arabic language,grammar, prosody are written. Sheikh Nizam Uddin b.Allama Qutbuddin Sihalwi Ansai, the founder of Dars e Nizami (1161-1748 Hijri) had consciously included Arabic language books for the same purpose. A number of Persian books are also on the curriculum. Various scholars mention the need to revise the Dars e Nizami curriculum to tailor it to contemporary needs and requirements. This article offers a brief critical review of Allama Abu al Kalam’s proposed amendments in Darsc e Nizami in order to revitalize it and adapt it to modern day requirements.

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