An Influential Teacher and Future Challenges

المدرِّس المُؤثِّر وتحدّيات المستقبل

  • Korchid Sadok Professor , College of arts, Department of Islamic studies, Imam Abdurahman Ben Faisal University, Damam, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Keywords: Influential, Teacher, Future Challenges


    This paper addresses a host of features and responsibilities of an effective instructor in the scenario of contemporary challenges and problems. The educationists need to better equipped and more professional to deliver the best possible education efficiently. They should be well-informed of the latest developments in their specialized area/discipline and should be engaged in curriculum design and decision-making process. This study focuses on effective modes of teaching and better communication/technology skills for modern day teachers. A conducive social environment is a prime pre requisite for a successful learning and teaching system.

How to Cite
Korchid Sadok 2020. An Influential Teacher and Future Challenges. Al-Idah . 38, - 2 (Dec. 2020), 96 - 111. DOI: