Alternative Sanctions in Islam (Foundational Study)

العقوبات البديلة في الإسلام ( دراسة تأصيلية )

  • Yaser Esayed Fujo Assistant Professor, Department of Islamic Jurisprudence and its Fundamentals, Faculty of Sharia and Law - The Islamic University – Gaza
Keywords: sanctions - alternative - Ta'zir penalties - foundational –     application


The Islamic legislation comprises of Hudud (mandatory rulings with no scope for rational judgment/Ijtihad) and Ta'zir penalties (discretionary rulings such as imprisonment and financial fines. This article is based on a jurisprudential discussion about the alternative sanctions in Islam.

How to Cite
Yaser Esayed Fujo 2023. Alternative Sanctions in Islam (Foundational Study). Al-Idah . 41, - 1 (Jan. 2023), 228 - 243. DOI: