A Reading of the Poem by Sheikh Ma al-'Aynayn (d. 1328 AH): "The Sixty-Six Beliefs"

قراءة في نظم الشيخ ماء العينين (ت. 1328هـ) "العقائد الستة والستون".

  • Hamza Mealloui Al Wajdi Researcher in Creed and Thought Issues in the Islamic West) Faculty of Usul al-Din , Tetouan
Keywords: Sheikh Ma al-'Aynayn, Islamic theology, The Sixty-Six Beliefs


This study explores Sheikh Ma al-'Aynayn's poem "The Sixty-Six Beliefs", highlighting its contribution to Islamic theology and its organization of core beliefs into two categories: divinity (50 tenets) and prophethood (16 tenets). It traces the historical context of creedal literature, particularly in the Western Islamic tradition, and the influence of Sunni orthodoxy, especially through the works of Imam al-Ash'ari. The research also reviews key commentaries on the poem, including those by Ahmed al-Barnawi and Mohammed Abdullah al-Jakni, and aims to shed light on the theological structure and methodology of this significant text.

How to Cite
Hamza Mealloui Al Wajdi 2024. A Reading of the Poem by Sheikh Ma al-’Aynayn (d. 1328 AH): "The Sixty-Six Beliefs". Al-Idah . 42, -2 (Dec. 2024), 144 - 162. DOI:https://doi.org/10.37556/al-idah.042.02.0912.