The Cultural Underpinnings in the Poetry Collection "From the Inspiration of the Quran" by the Arab Poetry Voyager 'Abdul Majid Farghali'

الأنساق الثقافية المضمرة في ديوان " من نبغ القرآن" لرحّالة الشعر العربي "عبد المجيد فرغلي"

  • Abdelkader Sellami Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty Of Letters And Languages, Tlemcen University –Algeria
  • Zainab Boutchiche PhD Scholar, Department of Arabic Literature, Faculty Of Letters And Languages, Tlemcen University –Algeria
Keywords: Culture, Cultural Criticism, Implicit Pattern, Nabgha Al-Qur'an.


The distinguishing feature of the study of modern and contemporary Arab culture is the limited focus on cultural criticism, despite notable efforts in this field, such as Abdullah Al-Ghadhami's work in Cultural Criticism. This lack of emphasis may be justified by the origins of the concept in Western culture itself. For instance, Vincent Leitch, who authored a book on the subject in 1992, did not prioritize defining a specific term for it in the comprehensive introduction he wrote for Cultural Studies in the volume published by Johns Hopkins University on literary theory and criticism in 1994.The following paper aims to explore the implicit patterns in Abdul Majeed Farghali's poetry collection Nabgha Al-Qur'an. The study posits that his poetic texts, despite their secondary and marginal nature, contain implicit patterns embedded in their deep structure, which manifest through the cultural interpretation of the reader.

How to Cite
Abdelkader Sellami and Zainab Boutchiche 2024. The Cultural Underpinnings in the Poetry Collection "From the Inspiration of the Quran" by the Arab Poetry Voyager ’Abdul Majid Farghali’. Al-Idah . 42, -2 (Dec. 2024), 163 - 180. DOI: