The latest edition of Al-Idah is in your hands amidst the global pandemic of Covid-19 which has impressed the precarious nature of life more than ever upon us. Religion is the beacon house amidst this chaos and helplessness. It strengthens our spirits, fortifies our courage and blesses us with peace. We at the editorial desk of Al-Idahstrive our best to pick and choose those articles that bear relevance to not only currently prevailing situation in the world but may enhance understanding of the traditional Islamic concepts. We hope that reading this issue may prove to be a delightful, enriching experience for our readers.
We take pride in the fact that Al-Idah leaves no stone unturned in winning excellence in research. We take into account the latest changes and policies/guidelines given by HEC for the research journals in letter and spirit. Our readers may have an updated information regarding the latest changes in the policy for research journals on our website. The upcoming issues of Al-Idah in the light of the latest HEC policies shall be specifically reserved for pure Islamic Studies disciplines like Tafseer & UloomUl Quran, Hadith & Its Sciences, Islamic Jurisprudence, Seerat Un Nabi, Islamic History, Comparative Study of Religions, Comparative Jurisprudence, Islamic Banking & Finance etc. (Its detail may be checked on our website). This further specification shall enable Al-Idah gain better focus and depth and henceforth articles based on pure Islamic Studies shall be entertained. In addition to this, self-institute articles shall not be entertained any more.
Al-Idahis a tri-lingual research journal i.e. we publish articles in English, Urdu and Arabic languages and many- a-times the number of articles run in hundreds which is a testimony of its immense popularity and wide readership. Our research journal website is properly functional and we accept articles only via HJRS and keep in touch with our contributors regarding the status of their articles. We endeavor to include articles by foreign authors so as to have a vibrant presence internationally as well. The reason that Al-Idah is tri-lingual is to open up for international readership. We encourage foreign religious researchers to send in their research articles specifically focusing the religious studies and traditional Islamic disciplines.
Take good care of yourself and those around you. Be safe, healthy and happy.
Happy reading!
Chief Editor
Prof. Dr. Rashad Ahmed Saljooq